Register Series or Bay Race Registration Name of Skipper/Owner(*)Your email address(*)PhoneRace Series or Race Name - choose from list*Ken Woodward Hot Rum SeriesSpring SeriesFall Colours SeriesBay Race #1 (Spring)Bay Race #2 (Fall)Sail Past (Fun) RaceRecovery SeriesName of YachtBoat Brand/Manufacturer and ModelYacht LengthSail NumberHandicap Rating (enter your handicap rating, or 999 if you do not have one)Handicap Rating Source*Valid PHRF-BCValid PHRF-NWExpired, comparable or estimatedNo handicap informationSelect the Division for which you are registering*RacingCruisingEstimated number of crew sailing including skipper*Terms and Conditions* I agree to the above Terms and Conditions I AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE RACING RULES OF THE ISAF/CYA AND THE RACING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SCYC RACING PROGRAM I ALSO WARRANT AND AGREE THAT MY VESSEL AND MYSELF HAVE INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR THIRD PARTY LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, DEATH AND/OR INJURY IN AN AMOUNT NOT LESS THAN $2,000,000 AND THAT SUCH INSURANCE COVERAGE EXTENDS TO YACHT RACING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES.CAPTCHA Get in Touch NameEmail MessageCAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. LINKS ClubMembership Email Phone 778-762-0544 Address P.O Box 9, Nanoose Bay, BC V9P 9J9