Time: Mar 18, 2021, 7PM Vancouver
Have you ever dreamed of anchorages like this? Will it always be a dream, is it on your bucket list or do you just like to see how others go boating? Whichever way please join us for the virtual tour by Garth and Merrien Loughead on Thursday. The presentation will take us from Port Hardy to Victoria and will be a collage from the four circumnavigations Garth, Merrien and their son Nolan have made.
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Merrien, Garth, and Nolan; the breadth and scope of your nautical skills and adventures on the West Coast is breathtaking. More importantly, however, is the beauty of your family life – providing each and other all the gifts life has to offer. You are a gifted family beyond comprehension. Thank you for sharing!!!
Thank you, as well to SCYC and executive for collaborating to stage this wonderful event. It truly was an event indeed!
Lorraine Wareham, Wayne Stremel, and family.