Spring General Meeting 2021

Spring General Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom On April 22, 2021. Sign-in begins at 6:30 and SGM begins at 7:00

Opening Day Sail Past 2021 – POSTPONED

POSTPONED! The Sail Past originally scheduled for today must be POSTPONED because of new Provincial Covid-19 restrictions. We are hoping to be able to reschedule to a later date. Please stay tuned.

Island Cleanup 2021 – POSTPONED

Island Cleanup Event This event originally planned for today is being postponed to a later date when Provincial Covid-19 restrictions are lifted.

Fall Cruise 2021 ???

Fall Cruise tentatively set for end of August. Tentative itinerary is Desolation Sound Standby for dates and times.

Racing Wednesdays

Join us for racing on Wednesday evenings.

Executive Meeting

Meeting held at Fairwinds Marina at 1:00 p.m.