Fall Cruise 2021 ???

Fall Cruise tentatively set for end of August. Tentative itinerary is Desolation Sound Standby for dates and times.

Racing Wednesdays

Join us for racing on Wednesday evenings.

Executive Meeting

Meeting held at Fairwinds Marina at 1:00 p.m.

Annual SCYC Fleet Regatta 2021

Skippers' meeting will be at 10:00 AM, first boat to race will be at 11:00 AM, race will end by 3:30 PM There will be a dinner social at the Rocking Horse Pub at 5:00 PM for racers. Cost is $15/person.

Racing Wednesdays

Join us for racing on Wednesday evenings.

Yachtzee Lunch / Gents Pub Lunch

At noon on Wednesday Sept 22. Ladies and Gents lunches held at separate venues. See Scyline News section for details.