From your Fleet Captain, Peter Milne

Many will recall that this time last year SCYC organized a couple of sailboat rallies which were very popular, but the rallies had to be suspended due to COVID-19 regulations.

However, current COVID rules allow us to safely organize a series of rallies again. The first rally will be Sunday, Oct 17, weather permitting. Additional Fall SCYC Rally events are projected for Oct 31, Nov 14, Nov 28 and Dec 5, weather permitting.

A rally is not a race!  It is an opportunity to enjoy our sailboats among the islands and bays off Schooner Cove (think of it as a day sail). The purpose of a rally is to successfully sail each leg of a prescribed course. Each boat will have its own start time so there is no chaos at the beginning of the course. Boats receive one point for each leg of the course completed.  Boats that complete all legs of the course within the prescribed time receive an additional point.

The plan is to run a series of rallies throughout the fall, beginning October 17 and every second week thereafter and maybe some prizes at the end of the series. Now is a good time to mark up your calendars!  On Thursdays, the course for the next rally will be announced to interested boaters. Go/no-go will be weather dependent and will be announced early Sunday mornings.

If you are interested in participating and receiving rally notices send a short email to


A race requires that a minimum of three boats participate. Given the small number of PHRF boats able to race through the fall and winter, these series have been cancelled.  The situation will be reviewed in the spring of 2022.