Course is approximate only…not to be used for navigation..Eric will issue course directions to skippers on the day of the race…

BAY RACE – May 21, 2023

The Spring Bay Race is a standard course for the SCYC fleet. We start off by the breakwater travel around Winchelsea Islands, around Maude Island, around the Navy buoy in Nanoose Bay, back around Maude Island and back to the finish line. A full course description will be sent out to all participants before the race.

The event has always been run as a pursuit race. Each participant will submit a PHRF or one will be determined (by referencing simi‐ lar vessels) by the organizers. The slowest boat (highest PHRF) will start first, with each time differential being added to each sub‐ sequent boat until the fastest boat (lowest PHRF) will start last. Since the time differentials are calculated on the total distance of the course, there won’t be any ’shortened course’ provision. Which ever boat crosses the finish line first is the winner.

Typically there are two Divisions, racing and cruising, though this year there may be a third for multi hulls. The race will be held on Sunday May 21. There will be a skippers meeting, typically at 10:00 but perhaps earlier at 9:30, with racing to start at 10:30 or perhaps 11:00. Since the strength of the wind in Nanoose Bay can be variable, the race finish time may be set as 16:00.

The wind-up social will likely be held at the Fairwinds Golf Club‐ house. Early finishers can arrive early for extra suds. The meal will be planned for 17:00 with the presentations at 18:00. There will likely be a set menu; choice of beef, chicken, veggie burger, choice of salad or fries, choice of a glass of wine or mug of beer; all of the above will be at a set price per person which will include taxes and gratuity (the Club will likely subsidize this cost a bit). For extra suds, please contact the skipper.

Full details will be announced during the two weeks prior to the Race. All of the above is what we plan/would like to see happen. If the external conditions change, then the plans will need to change. Eric Carl Young

Registration will be done by contacting the race organizer, Eric Young. The information that is generally needed is: a) boat name, b) skipper’s name, c) crew members’ names, d) make, model, and number of boat, e) PHRF, f) preferred Divi‐ sion to enter, g) number of people attending the wind-up so‐ cial. To register, click RED button below and report items a), b), c), d), e), f) and g).

Register by emailing your details a) through g) to Eric at